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Saturday, May 25, 2013

the agony of working on a Saturday!

I am one of those unfortunate ones who have to work on a Saturday. Those of you who share the agony would know what I mean when I say “unfortunate”. Most of my friend circle is in the league of “the fortunate ones” and have a two day long weekend.
So while everyone is either sleeping or trying to get rid of the Friday night hangover... I am punching keys of my keyboard... with vengeance I must say.
On Saturday my husband dear sleeps till late, wanders around aimlessly even if he is up and goes out of the way to make me jealous.
But I kind of have developed a defence mechanism where I take inspiration from the pigeon and close my eyes to all things unpleasant and imagine all is rosy...
Guess what?

 It doesn’t work at all. I spend the day cribbing and cursing those that enjoy the Friday night and spend the following morning in bed catching up on the week’s worth of sleep. But then such is life dearies... you have your Friday nights and Saturday and I have a job that I happen to love! ;)

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