Someone recently quoted Joker in The Dark Knight and told me “If you are good at something, never do it for free…” Fortunately or unfortunately this is someone whose opinion carries some weight for me. So… after some much needed introspection I tried to figure out what is it that is stopping me. I write quite often, I write about things that affect me or have a general effect on the immediate “society” (for the lack of a better term) around me.
What is it that stops me from approaching someone to pay me for it? Well… the biggest of course is my lack of confidence, my deep seated insecurities and awareness of incompetence. Also, I do realize that whatever little audience I do have currently, who are appreciating my work as of now; they will cease to appreciate it, when they have to pay for it.
I mean how many of you guys would willingly pay to read what I write? Right?
The parameters will change, the expectations will rise exponentially and being the scaredy cat that I am, I will retreat deep into a shell and lick my wounds.
So to quote someone else from somewhere else… “Why spoil a good thing?”