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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

बंद मुट्ठियों के बेमाने पल...

बचपन में कभी सुना था की बंद सीपियों में मोती मिला करते हैं... गहरे समंदर में डुबकी लगाकर गोताखोर इन्हें ढूंढ कर लाया करते हैं... तबसे हर चीज़ को मुट्ठी में भींच कर उसकी कीमत बढ़ाने की कोशिश में हूँ...

वक़्त को भींचा था एक बार, खोला तो यादें बन कर उड़ गया... रुका नहीं कहीं... बचपन को क़ैद करने की कोशिश की, खोला तो मासूमियत में कुछ सिलवटें आ गईं... जवानी को भी बहोत रोका, खोला तो पाया इसमें भी अब  गहरी झुर्रियाँ पड़ गईं थीं... खिलखिलाती हंसी को मुट्ठी में भर लेने की भी की थी कोशिश... अब सिर्फ ख़ाली सी इक गूँज सुनाई पड़ती है... कभी कभी

वक़्त पर मुट्ठी खोलना सीख लिया है अब मैंने... हर लम्हे को जीना रास आने लगा है...

बंद मुट्ठियों की अब हमें दरकार कहाँ?

Monday, July 27, 2015

RIP... a rare teacher...

The man died doing what he loved...teaching...blessed he must be... A sad loss for the nation...a grand life and a legacy left behind... May his ‪#‎dreams‬ be realized even after he has left...  ‪#‎RIP ‬ ‪#‎APJAbdulKalam‬ 

Back when Newspapers carried news

There was a time when reading the newspaper did not put me in a bad mood, it did not make me negative, it did not bring me down for the rest of the day... I woke up to a big resource with loads to offer...this was back when I was a school student... These days when I pick it up, there is a sense of dread, of fear and an impending sense of doom. Even the headlines scare me, they paint such a gory picture that I feel agitated for hours after it...
I do realize that the negative stuff also needs to be reported of course. But do they need to be splattered across the front page and make it way bigger than it really was! After reading these gory "news" stories everyday, it was a shocking realization today that, it isn't the brutality of "human" beings that surprises me anymore. It is kindness and humanity that surprises me... How sad it that?
Don't people (whoever these people are) realize that the newspapers or the news channels for that matter, bring down the morale of the whole nation, especially the youth in a big big way... The confidence, the values and the positivity have gone spiraling down.... Hope is dying...